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The past few months my daily routine has crumbled. Adding new tasks like daily walks, going to the gym, teaching and meeting with creatives online and off to envision, start and grow their ideas, craft and business has corrupted the daily routine I worked so hard to set.     

I can't even begin to think about household tasks like cooking dinner, finances and keeping a clean home without feeling stressed. Our kitchen floor desperately needs to be mopped and the current state of our refrigerator is on a whole new level. My mom would die if she was here. 

In moments like this I look back to my blog post on my daily routine and laugh. Because it was only a few months ago that I made it sound so easy. I was breezing through my daily routine like a champ and now I feel everything slipping through my fingers. The truth is I can't do it all and balancing life and work is a daily commitment and sometimes it's really hard. 

And although I'm at a place where I don't have it all figured out, these small steps are helping me find peace right now:    

  1. Step away from the computer (and phone) - Too much time at my desk sitting and engaging online - whether it's on my computer or on my phone - is bad for my soul. I feel like I need the people online to validate my actions and this is not okay. I want to create, live, love and enjoy what I'm doing regardless of what other people think. Sometimes - like here - I have a really healthy relationship with the internet and other times I'm terribly addicted. 
  2. Protect your creative time - I've identified I'm most creative in the morning and late afternoon. So I am making a better effort at scheduling trips to the gym, emails and non-creative stuff in between those times. And leaving the creatives spurts for painting, writing and designing. I've also learned from experience that when I schedule meetings throughout the week - having one meeting every day - I never have a full day for myself to create which is very important for my creativity - I need to feel free! I'm going to try and have 1-2 days dedicated to meetings and the rest of the days are mine to work on stuff for me and my passion/business. 
  3. Meditate daily, even twice a day - I started mediating almost daily about 6 months ago and it's done wonders. It allows me to stop and listen to any thoughts, feelings, fears or concerns I have. Every once in a while I can shut off all thoughts and not think at all - which is glorious - but I am not always this lucky. I've even found myself meditating in the morning and at night when I'm in bed. This has been very therapeutic and stress relieving. 
  4. Write it out - Any time I take the time to write - this newsletter and my blog being a place to express myself - I feel really good. I'm going to try to write more often, I've heard that it's great for the brain. Do you write?
  5. Do something for you - One of my resolutions for this year is to schedule an inspirational day - aka me day - once a month. I've used this time mostly to write music and play the guitar a little, but I have plans to take some classes, paint a lot, travel, check out some art museums and to just be alone and me. 
  6. Plan it - When I don't have my day fully planned out and just let the day unfold, I never get all of the work I want, done. A practice that's been very successful for me is to write out my monthly goals on my chalkboard. That way I see them everyday and never forgot the long term plan. My short-term goals I write out weekly in my notebook then break them into daily goals each day. Download some free pdf goal-setting sheets here
  7. Let it go - The most important thing I remind myself every time I feel stressed and feel like I simply can't do it all is I let that stress go. As if it was a heavy bag that I take off my back. I forgive myself for not accomplishing everything and give myself a break. I simply cannot make everyone happy, otherwise I will be the one that's unhappy. Lucky for me, I have a natural ability to let stress go easily and find the positive in almost everything I do. Showing my gratitude is also helping, I've started a Gratitude Project where I write letters, notes or cards once a week to people I'm grateful for.   

How about you, how do you balance life and work? Do you journal or meditate at all? I could use some life/work balance tips, got any? Hit reply to share your tips and receive a response directly from me. 


Artist / Designer / Teacher
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Copyright © 2014 Meredith C. Bullock, All rights reserved.
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